6 funding sources for small businesses in Africa
Access to capital is unfortunately one of the greatest obstacles entrepreneurs face today, particularly in Africa. In spite of this obstacle, African entrepreneurs have access to a vast number of funding alternatives. You only need specific information about these opportunities, the ability to access them, and a willingness to do so.
Seedstars Africa
Seedstars Africa Ventures is an early-stage venture capital fund that invests in Sub-Saharan African companies with high growth rates. Early-stage entrepreneurs throughout the region are developing online and offline models in response to critical product and service requirements. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Program
The $100 million Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP) is an annual funding program aimed at Africa's next generation of entrepreneurs. The fund, which was established by Mr. Tony Elumelu, a successful Nigerian entrepreneur and philanthropist, aims to identify and support one thousand entrepreneurs from across the continent each year over the next decade. Successful applicants will receive world-class business training, mentorship, up to $5,000 in non-repayable seed capital, and global networking opportunities. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
African Women Development Fund
Grants from the African Women Development Fund: The African Women Development Fund (AWDF) is an institutional capacity-building and program development fund that aims to foster a culture of learning and partnerships within the African women's movement. Opportunities for Youth Opportunities for Youth Youth Empowerment through Information Access and Opportunities Grants administrators for the African Women's Development Fund October 19th, 2022 Awards and Grants from the African Women Development Fund2022-11-08T17:29:00+00:00Awards and Grants from the African Women Development Fund Grants from the African Women Development Fund: The African Women Development Fund (AWDF) is a program development and institutional capacity-building fund that aims to foster a culture of learning and partnerships within the African women's movement. The African Women Development Fund (AWDF) provides grants to local, national, and sub-regional organizations in Africa that work towards the empowerment of women. In addition to awarding grants, the AWDF seeks to improve the organizational capacity of its grantees. The funds are employed in six thematic areas. The human rights of women. Political Participation. Building the Peace Wellness and reproductive rights. HIV/AIDS. Economic Emancipation. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
Changemakers seed funding
Enter to win $1500 in seed funding! StartupXs has launched the "ChangeMakers Seed Funding Opportunity 2023" for startups and social enterprises that want to create positive social change. All early-stage entrepreneurs, startups, and social enterprises are encouraged to apply. StartupXs provides assistance to entrepreneurs during the early stages of business development. We believe that startups and social enterprises can play a crucial role in resolving social issues not only locally but also globally. The ChangeMakers Seed Funding Opportunity 2023 will provide $1,500 in seed funding to one changemaker. No conditions attached. The submission deadline is December 31, 2022, and the winner will be announced on our @StartupXs Facebook page on January 31, 2023. Eligibility Any individual or organization from any country may participate, unless prohibited by local or United States law. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Participants must represent a start-up or social enterprises Priority is given to early-stage and growth-stage startups and social enterprises developing an innovative product or concept. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
GrowFin Fund
GrowFin is a leading global funder of entrepreneurs, assisting them with the expansion of their mid-sized businesses. The service is offered in more than ten African nations. And since its inception in 2004, GrowFin has financed over 700 small enterprises in Africa and the Middle East. To be eligible for a credit facility worth tens of thousands of dollars, visit GrowFin's website immediately and complete their eligibility evaluation. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
DeveloPPP Ventures ideas competition
Twice a year, at the end of each quarter, the develoPPP Ventures ideas competition is held for six weeks (June and December). Currently, funding is available in Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania through develoPPP Ventures. Suitable startups for funding by develoPPP Ventures are chosen through an open ideas competition. This occurs twice a year and is accessible to all startups that match the requirements for participation. Depending on the target country, the funding contract is signed with one of the two implementing partners, DEG Impulse gGmbH or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. CLICK HERE TO APPLY